Alternattiva Demokratika have written to Commissioner Stavros Dimas about Special Areas of Conservation and lack of management plans for these areas. A copy of their letter is shown below:
From: Perit Carmel Cacopardo
To: Commissioner Stavros Dimas
Subject: Implementation of provisions of Habitats Directive in Malta
Date: Wednesday, 3rd June 2009
Mr Dimas,
It is with regret that on behalf of Alternattiva Demokratika (AD), The Green Party in Malta I would like to draw your attention to the general mismanagement by the Competent Authority in Malta of Natura 2000 sites.
In particular I would like to refer to three of the sites, originally designated as Special Areas of Conservation-Candidate Sites of International Importance on the 26th September 2003 (Government Notice 877 of 2003) in terms of the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations 2003 which transposes the EU Habitats Directive. These were eventually incorporated in the Government Notice presently in force, dated 9th February 2007 (Government Notice 112 of 2007) in terms of the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations 2006, which replaced the original GN of 2003.
The sites in question are:
Ix-Xaghra tal-Kortin, ref. INT 008
Buskett and Girgenti ref. INT 014
Malta Coastal Cliffs 1/8 Qammiegh Area ref. INT 016.
As you are undoubtedly aware in terms of subarticle 4 of Article 4 of the Habitats Directive, the Competent Authority has as soon as possible, but within 6 years of the designation of a site as an SAC, to establish priorities for the sites' maintenance and restoration in the light of the threats of degradation or destruction to which those sites are exposed. Almost 6 years have elapsed since these sites have been designated as SACs and the Competent National Authority has not as yet drawn up these priorities as detailed in the Habitats Directive. Management plans for these Natura 2000 sites have not even been initiated.
Of particular concern to Alternattiva Demokratika is the organisation of open air discos late at night in the following sites:
* at Mistra: within Ix-Xaghra tal-Kortin ref. INT 008
* at Buskett: within Buskett and Girgenti ref. INT 014
* at Paradise Bay: within the Malta Coastal Cliffs 1/8 Il-Qammiegh Area ref. INT 016
The use of high powered laser beams and/or high tech sound equipment in the open air, together with the trampling by large numbers of people, notably at the Buskett Natura 2000 site, is surely not conducive to proper management of these Natura 2000 sites which Malta is internationally obliged to manage on behalf of future generations.
Alternattiva Demokratika believes that permitting these activities, especially without any public appropriate assessment by the Competent National Authority - the Malta Environment and Planning Authority MEPA - is a further infringement of the obligations of the Directive, considering that no management plans are presently being considered for such sites.
In view of the above Alternattive Demokratika would like to ask you to investigate such mismanagement by Malta of its Natura 2000 sites in breach of its obligations as defined in the Habitats Directive, and that necessary and appropriate measures are taken to ensure the appropriate for full adherence thereto.
Thanking you for your attention.
Mr Carmel Cacopardo
AD Spokesman on Sustainable Development
joi, 4 iunie 2009
marți, 2 iunie 2009
Will protected areas remain effective in the face of climate change?
Protected areas conserve biodiversity, but there are concerns that they may be less effective if climate change causes shifts in the distribution of species. A new study models the future movement of sub-Saharan birds in protected areas. Although many species will move, most will find suitable habitats amongst the network of protected areas under a scenario of intermediate climate change. One per cent of endangered species will lose all suitable habitat from the region.
To help stop biodiversity loss in Europe, the EU has set up a network of over 26,000 protected areas forming the Natura 2000 network1. These represent more than 20 per cent of total EU territory. They have been established on the basis of the current distribution of species.
Climate change will have large impacts on biodiversity and will cause shifts in the distribution of species as they search for new, suitable habitat. In the case of the protected areas, these shifts could be outside the boundaries of protected areas or it could cause new species to move into the protected area. However, the designated sites constitute valuable space for nature, possibly allowing other species to move in.
To help stop biodiversity loss in Europe, the EU has set up a network of over 26,000 protected areas forming the Natura 2000 network1. These represent more than 20 per cent of total EU territory. They have been established on the basis of the current distribution of species.
Climate change will have large impacts on biodiversity and will cause shifts in the distribution of species as they search for new, suitable habitat. In the case of the protected areas, these shifts could be outside the boundaries of protected areas or it could cause new species to move into the protected area. However, the designated sites constitute valuable space for nature, possibly allowing other species to move in.
Comisia Europeana,
Natura 2000
luni, 1 iunie 2009
Turn GSM într-o rezervaţie naturală
Cosmote a început o construcţie aprobată de Consiliul Judeţean Vrancea şi contestată de Garda de Mediu.
Garda de Mediu Vrancea a emis un ordin de sistare a lucrărilor pentru un „turn de radiorelee şi o staţie de bază GSM” pe care operatorul de telefonie mobilă Cosmote intenţiona să le ridice la Cota 1001, pe Măgura Odobeştiului, cel mai înalt deal subcarpatic din România.
Comisarii de mediu au efectuat verificări în teren, zilele trecute, şi au constatat că societatea a demarat lucrări de construcţii-montaj în rezervaţie fără a efectua un studiu de impact asupra re zervaţiei monument al naturii.
Potrivit autorizaţiilor de construire emise de Consiliul Judeţean, Cosmote ridică în Vrancea zece staţii de emisie-recepţie şi un turn de radiorele pe Măgura.
Garda de Mediu Vrancea a emis un ordin de sistare a lucrărilor pentru un „turn de radiorelee şi o staţie de bază GSM” pe care operatorul de telefonie mobilă Cosmote intenţiona să le ridice la Cota 1001, pe Măgura Odobeştiului, cel mai înalt deal subcarpatic din România.
Comisarii de mediu au efectuat verificări în teren, zilele trecute, şi au constatat că societatea a demarat lucrări de construcţii-montaj în rezervaţie fără a efectua un studiu de impact asupra re zervaţiei monument al naturii.
Potrivit autorizaţiilor de construire emise de Consiliul Judeţean, Cosmote ridică în Vrancea zece staţii de emisie-recepţie şi un turn de radiorele pe Măgura.
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