600 de proprietari de teren din zona Parcului Naţional Piatra Craiului au solicitat spijinul Instituţiei Prefectului Judeţului Braşov în vederea realizării de construcţii la limita rezervaţiei.
Oamenii îşi reclamă dreptul de a-şi folosi proprietăţile câştigate în instanţă, pe care, susţin ei, nu le pot folosi din cauza legislaţiei restrictive.
Cei 600 de proprietari deţin teren intravilan de-a lungul drumului, între Zărneşti şi Plaiul Foii, la limita Parcului Naţional Piatra Craiului.
Articol in Monitorul expres
Articol in Adevarul.
miercuri, 17 iunie 2009
luni, 15 iunie 2009
Green 10: European Commission off target
The environmental record of the outgoing European Commission is worryingly off target. This is the outcome of the report published today in Brussels by the ‘Green 10’, the coalition of leading environmental organisations, of which BirdLife International is a member. Environmental groups published an assessment of the Barroso Commission, giving it an overall mark of 4.4/10.
In all, the ‘Green 10’ report examines the successes and failures in 12 policy areas that impact the environment, and sets out a checklist for the next Commission. The Green 10 blamed the low score on, among other things, a failure to reform agriculture and fisheries policies, and, more broadly, to propose sustainable economic policies. But there were some positive notes, notably in climate, energy and transport policy. At a time when Europe is gripped by economic and environmental crises, the environmental groups call on the next Commission to double its efforts over the next five years and put in place policies that benefit the environment and people’s health, and create sustainable economic growth and jobs.
Full report here.
In all, the ‘Green 10’ report examines the successes and failures in 12 policy areas that impact the environment, and sets out a checklist for the next Commission. The Green 10 blamed the low score on, among other things, a failure to reform agriculture and fisheries policies, and, more broadly, to propose sustainable economic policies. But there were some positive notes, notably in climate, energy and transport policy. At a time when Europe is gripped by economic and environmental crises, the environmental groups call on the next Commission to double its efforts over the next five years and put in place policies that benefit the environment and people’s health, and create sustainable economic growth and jobs.
Full report here.
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