Romsilva are în plan să acceseze până în 2013 fonduri UE de 150 de milioane euro pentru investiţii în drumurile forestiere şi alte 70 de milioane pentru cele 22 de parcuri naturale din administrare.
Totodată, noul şef al Regiei Naţionale a Pădurilor vrea să crească suprafaţa împădurită a României cu peste 3%. Pe termen lung, până în 2035, reprezentanţii Romsilva vor să crească suprafaţa împădurită a ţării cu alte 2 milioane de hectare.
După ce au început retrocedările în 1993 s-au defrişat peste 800.000 de hectare. Pentru realizarea acestui program este nevoie anual de aproximativ 250 de milioane de euro.
„Am identificat deja 10.600 de hectare care pot fi î mpădurite şi, din toamnă, se vor adăuga alte suprafeţe din afara fondului forestier. Există mai multe proiecte de hotărâri de guvern prin care trec în administrarea RNP 7.000 de hectare de terenuri degradate“, a spus directorul general adjunct al Romsilva, Gheorghe Nichiforel.
vineri, 6 februarie 2009
LIFE: May 15 is launch day for 2009 call for proposals
28 January 2009 DG ENV is planning to launch its 2009 call for proposals for LIFE+ projects on May 15 2009. The 2009 applications package will be made available on that date on the LIFE website.
Since the LIFE unit anticipates that there are unlikely to be significant changes with respect to the 2008 call, it recommends that potential applicants begin preparing their applications using the 2008 applications package.
This is available to download from the LIFE website now. It is important to note however that applicants MUST submit their proposals using the 2009 application forms that will be made available on May 15.
In principle, a maximum of EUR 250 million will be available for the 2009 call.
Since the LIFE unit anticipates that there are unlikely to be significant changes with respect to the 2008 call, it recommends that potential applicants begin preparing their applications using the 2008 applications package.
This is available to download from the LIFE website now. It is important to note however that applicants MUST submit their proposals using the 2009 application forms that will be made available on May 15.
In principle, a maximum of EUR 250 million will be available for the 2009 call.
Programe de Finantare,
Proiect LIFE
Bulgaria: The last zones of Natura 2000 delayed
Sofia. 10 birds areals featured in Natura 2000 have not yet been published in the State Gazette, which means delayed eco measures and hampered protection for the species in questions. The last bird areas have been endorsed by the incumbent Minister Chakarov back in April 2008. The law stipulates that all protected areas in the ecological network should be published within a year from their approval. The deadline for the first 88 bird zones was March 2008. Klasa Daily reports.
miercuri, 4 februarie 2009
MEPs respond to call to protect Europe's wilderness
Only 1% of Europe is untouched by humans and everything must be done to preserve what is still out there for the future. That's the message in a report by Hungarian Socialist MEP Gyula Hegyi backed by MEPs Tuesday.
The importance of protecting Europe's wilderness in the future against climate change is one of the key aspects stressed by the report. It calls for greater mapping of such areas to enable threats to be detected.
It also calls for responsible tourism that will not damage such areas and greater use of the EU's existing "Natura 2000" programme to protect such areas. At present 13% of the forest zone of the 27-member EU is designated as Natura 2000 sites under the existing Birds and Habitats directive.
Articolul aici.
The importance of protecting Europe's wilderness in the future against climate change is one of the key aspects stressed by the report. It calls for greater mapping of such areas to enable threats to be detected.
It also calls for responsible tourism that will not damage such areas and greater use of the EU's existing "Natura 2000" programme to protect such areas. At present 13% of the forest zone of the 27-member EU is designated as Natura 2000 sites under the existing Birds and Habitats directive.
Articolul aici.
European Platform Against Windfarms (EPAW)
The European Platform Against Windfarms, « EPAW » was founded in Paris on October 4th, 2008. It was formed at the initiative of French, German, Spanish and Belgian associations, joined more recently by other associations based in the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, and other countries whose numbers keep increasing. The Platform also receives support from all over the world.
The aim of this platform is to defend the interests of the numerous groups that are either fighting individual windfarm projects, or denouncing the ineffectiveness of windfarms for solving the problems of man and the planet, or fighting generally against their deleterious effects as regards people and their health, wildlife, landscapes, tourism, property values, quality of life, water contamination and other ill effects on the environment.
EPAW considers unacceptable that the European institutions would promote the ruination of the European landscape, and its uniformisation into a brown zone by thousands of windfarms stretching from Lapland to Gibraltar, some of them planted in the heart of natural reserves established at great cost by the EU’s Natura 2000 programme.
The aim of this platform is to defend the interests of the numerous groups that are either fighting individual windfarm projects, or denouncing the ineffectiveness of windfarms for solving the problems of man and the planet, or fighting generally against their deleterious effects as regards people and their health, wildlife, landscapes, tourism, property values, quality of life, water contamination and other ill effects on the environment.
EPAW considers unacceptable that the European institutions would promote the ruination of the European landscape, and its uniformisation into a brown zone by thousands of windfarms stretching from Lapland to Gibraltar, some of them planted in the heart of natural reserves established at great cost by the EU’s Natura 2000 programme.
Highlights of the February Strasbourg plenary session 2-5 February 2009
Climate Change Committee sets out future policy goals
MEPs will be debating and voting on Parliament's Temporary Committee on Climate Change final recommendations for the EU's future integrated policy on climate change. MEPs in the committee take as a basis the EU objective to keep the global average temperature increase below 2°C and call for a target of a 25-40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to be achieved by 2020. They recommend detailed measures to be taken in the key economic sectors. MEPs in the committee are concerned that "climate change is both more rapid and more serious in terms of its adverse effects than was previously thought".
MEPs want to strengthen Natura 2000 network
The Environment Committee calls the Commission to set wilderness conservation as a priority in its strategy to address climate change and defends an EU wilderness strategy, complementary to other existing instruments. In addition, MEPs underline the importance of strengthening the Natura 2000 network, stressing the need for more coherent policies among different sectors, such as agriculture and energy, in order not to undermine the conservation objectives of Natura 2000.
Press release
Climate Change Committee sets out future policy goals
MEPs will be debating and voting on Parliament's Temporary Committee on Climate Change final recommendations for the EU's future integrated policy on climate change. MEPs in the committee take as a basis the EU objective to keep the global average temperature increase below 2°C and call for a target of a 25-40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to be achieved by 2020. They recommend detailed measures to be taken in the key economic sectors. MEPs in the committee are concerned that "climate change is both more rapid and more serious in terms of its adverse effects than was previously thought".
MEPs want to strengthen Natura 2000 network
The Environment Committee calls the Commission to set wilderness conservation as a priority in its strategy to address climate change and defends an EU wilderness strategy, complementary to other existing instruments. In addition, MEPs underline the importance of strengthening the Natura 2000 network, stressing the need for more coherent policies among different sectors, such as agriculture and energy, in order not to undermine the conservation objectives of Natura 2000.
Press release
Natura 2000,
Parlamentul European
Energy security, but at what cost?
Pipelines, such as the Nord Stream Baltic pipeline, must overcome environmental concerns if they are to help meet Europe's energy needs.
Building the 1,220 kilometre Nord Stream pipeline under the Baltic Sea is controversial politically, but might it also be an environmental disaster?
Big pipelines are not necessarily bad for the environment. The UN Economic Commission for Europe says that “pipelines can be safe and environmentally sound”. Conservation groups, including WWF and Birdlife International, say that they are not against pipelines in principle, as long as there is open and transparent analysis of the environmental risks.
Impact report
The European Parliament said last year that a positive environmental report should be required before the Nord Stream project is allowed to go ahead. MEPs voted by 542 votes to 60 to back an own-initiative report by Marcin Libicki, a Polish conservative (UEN) MEP. His report concluded that Nord Stream “would help to meet the EU's future energy needs” but raised environmental concerns. The MEPs said that disturbing 80,000 tonnes of old munitions that litter the sea-bed would pose a hazard to health and the marine environment. They also noted that the pipeline would stray into EU-recognised habitats (Natura 2000 territories).
Articolul aici.
Building the 1,220 kilometre Nord Stream pipeline under the Baltic Sea is controversial politically, but might it also be an environmental disaster?
Big pipelines are not necessarily bad for the environment. The UN Economic Commission for Europe says that “pipelines can be safe and environmentally sound”. Conservation groups, including WWF and Birdlife International, say that they are not against pipelines in principle, as long as there is open and transparent analysis of the environmental risks.
Impact report
The European Parliament said last year that a positive environmental report should be required before the Nord Stream project is allowed to go ahead. MEPs voted by 542 votes to 60 to back an own-initiative report by Marcin Libicki, a Polish conservative (UEN) MEP. His report concluded that Nord Stream “would help to meet the EU's future energy needs” but raised environmental concerns. The MEPs said that disturbing 80,000 tonnes of old munitions that litter the sea-bed would pose a hazard to health and the marine environment. They also noted that the pipeline would stray into EU-recognised habitats (Natura 2000 territories).
Articolul aici.
Arii protejate,
Natura 2000
luni, 2 februarie 2009
„Marea Ecologizare” din situri Natura 2000
Masivul Bucegi, Muntele Craiul Leaota şi Munţii Făgăraş şi Ceahlău vor fi supuşi unui amplu proiect de ecologizare.
Acţiunea urmează să aibă loc la fiecare sfârşit de săptămână din luna mai, potrivit unui comunicat al organizaţiei EcoAssist.
Pentru implementarea acestui proiect de ecologizare, organizaţia EcoAssist a primit o donaţie de aproximativ 36.000 de dolari din partea unei companii.
Intitulat „Marea Ecologizare”, proiectul presupune ca trei arii montane, frecventate des de turişti, să fie curăţate într-o acţiune naţională, cu implicarea voluntarilor şi a autorităţilor locale.
Acestea sunt declarate arii naturale protejate şi sunt incluse în reţeaua NATURA 2000, instrument pentru protejarea patrimoniului natural european.
Acţiunea urmează să aibă loc la fiecare sfârşit de săptămână din luna mai, potrivit unui comunicat al organizaţiei EcoAssist.
Pentru implementarea acestui proiect de ecologizare, organizaţia EcoAssist a primit o donaţie de aproximativ 36.000 de dolari din partea unei companii.
Intitulat „Marea Ecologizare”, proiectul presupune ca trei arii montane, frecventate des de turişti, să fie curăţate într-o acţiune naţională, cu implicarea voluntarilor şi a autorităţilor locale.
Acestea sunt declarate arii naturale protejate şi sunt incluse în reţeaua NATURA 2000, instrument pentru protejarea patrimoniului natural european.
Apele romane: consultare publica
Pe site-ul Administratiei Nationale "Apele Romane" se afla, in faza de draft, Planurile de management ale celor 11 Directii de Apa (link-uri) sau pe site ul CE:
Conform Directivei Cadru Apa 2000/60/CE (WFD- Water Framework Directive), Statele Membre trebuie sa puna la dispozitia publicului pentru cel putin 6 luni, proiectele planurilor de managment ale bazinelor/spatiilor hidrografice. Astfel, termenul de primire a observatiilor si comentariilor este 22.06.2009.
Structura unui Plan de Management cuprinde urmatoarele capitole:
-prezentarea generala a bazinului/spatiului geografic
-caracterizarea apelor de suprafata
-caracterizarea apelor subterane
-identificarea si cartarea zonelor protejate
-monitorizarea si caracterizarea starii apelor
-obiectivele de mediu
-analiza economica
-programe de masuri
-exceptii de la obiectivele de mediu
-informarea, consultarea si participarea publicului.
Ramona Curelea
Conform Directivei Cadru Apa 2000/60/CE (WFD- Water Framework Directive), Statele Membre trebuie sa puna la dispozitia publicului pentru cel putin 6 luni, proiectele planurilor de managment ale bazinelor/spatiilor hidrografice. Astfel, termenul de primire a observatiilor si comentariilor este 22.06.2009.
Structura unui Plan de Management cuprinde urmatoarele capitole:
-prezentarea generala a bazinului/spatiului geografic
-caracterizarea apelor de suprafata
-caracterizarea apelor subterane
-identificarea si cartarea zonelor protejate
-monitorizarea si caracterizarea starii apelor
-obiectivele de mediu
-analiza economica
-programe de masuri
-exceptii de la obiectivele de mediu
-informarea, consultarea si participarea publicului.
Ramona Curelea
Apele Romane,
Comisia Europeana,
Consultare publica
Anunţ privind solicitarea de proiecte - POS Mediu
Axa Prioritară 4 - „Implementarea Sistemelor Adecvate de Management pentru Protecţia Naturii”
Ministerul Mediului şi Dezvoltării Durabile (MMDD), în calitate de Autoritate de Management pentru POS Mediu, lansează cea de-a doua sesiune de selecţie de proiecte în domeniul protecţiei naturii, în vederea acordării de asistenţă financiară nerambursabilă în cadrul Programului Operaţional Sectorial „Mediu” (POS Mediu).
Proiectele trebuie elaborate în concordanţă cu obiectivele şi strategia de finanţare aferente Axei Prioritare 4 – „Implementarea Sistemelor Adecvate de Management pentru Protecţia Naturii” a POS Mediu.
Propunerile de proiecte pot include următoarele categorii de activităţi eligibile: elaborare/revizuire a planurilor, strategiilor şi a schemelor de management al ariilor naturale protejate şi alte activităţi conexe (activităţi preliminare măsurilor concrete de investiţii sau conservare), investiţii în infrastructură pentru uz public orientată spre protecţia şi gestionarea mediului în ariile protejate, activităţi privind menţinerea şi îmbunătăţirea stării de conservare favorabilă a habitatelor în ariile naturale protejate, activităţi privind menţinerea şi îmbunătăţirea stării de conservare favorabilă a speciilor, activităţi de consultare, conştientizare şi informare, activităţi de instruire şi creşterea capacităţii instituţionale de gestionare a reţelei de arii naturale protejate.
Data limită de transmitere a proiectelor este 30 aprilie 2009.
Mai multe informatii aici
Ministerul Mediului şi Dezvoltării Durabile (MMDD), în calitate de Autoritate de Management pentru POS Mediu, lansează cea de-a doua sesiune de selecţie de proiecte în domeniul protecţiei naturii, în vederea acordării de asistenţă financiară nerambursabilă în cadrul Programului Operaţional Sectorial „Mediu” (POS Mediu).
Proiectele trebuie elaborate în concordanţă cu obiectivele şi strategia de finanţare aferente Axei Prioritare 4 – „Implementarea Sistemelor Adecvate de Management pentru Protecţia Naturii” a POS Mediu.
Propunerile de proiecte pot include următoarele categorii de activităţi eligibile: elaborare/revizuire a planurilor, strategiilor şi a schemelor de management al ariilor naturale protejate şi alte activităţi conexe (activităţi preliminare măsurilor concrete de investiţii sau conservare), investiţii în infrastructură pentru uz public orientată spre protecţia şi gestionarea mediului în ariile protejate, activităţi privind menţinerea şi îmbunătăţirea stării de conservare favorabilă a habitatelor în ariile naturale protejate, activităţi privind menţinerea şi îmbunătăţirea stării de conservare favorabilă a speciilor, activităţi de consultare, conştientizare şi informare, activităţi de instruire şi creşterea capacităţii instituţionale de gestionare a reţelei de arii naturale protejate.
Data limită de transmitere a proiectelor este 30 aprilie 2009.
Mai multe informatii aici
Arii protejate,
Natura 2000,
Programe de Finantare
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